Friday, October 30, 2009

How to Make Articles Unique

Do you own dozens of Private Label articles, and want to make them unique to escape search engine 'duplicate content' filters? Here's how to make your private label content unique - quickly and easily. It isn't rocket science, all you need is your word processor...and your wits!

  1. Copy and paste your Private Label article into a new file in your text editor.
  2. Write a short introduction to the article, explaining what's in it and what your reader can expect to learn from it.
  3. Half-way through the article, break the flow with a short editorial comment or a summary of what's been said until then, or 'preview' of what's coming.
  4. At the end of the Private Label article, briefly summarize the primary message of the article, add a link to resources with more information or simply thank readers for visiting and invite them back.
  5. The finished Private Label article will be completely unique, and significantly different from all other owners of the same content.


  • You can break up an article into multiple segments, separated by your comments or side-notes to make the end result completely unique.
  • Aim to add 15% to 30% with your comments to the overall size (word count) of the article.

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